FSA & HSA Accepted & Free U.S. Shipping
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You may return most new, unopened items with in seven days for a full return as long as they are in same condition as when purchased. Exchanges may occur as long as the item is in the same condition as when it was purchased up to fourteen days.

If purchased with credit/debit card and a refund is being requested we must have the card that it was purchased with present. At that time, we will be able to issue a refund in store. It may take the bank five to ten business days to process the refund and appear back in your account. If the item(s) was purchased with cash then the store is able to refund cash as long as there are sufficient funds for that day. If a cash refund is not possible a check will be issued. The check may be picked up at any of our locations or mailed out.

If you are shipping the item back to us then expect a five to ten business day delay. Refund cannot happen until the item(s) has been shipped back to one our locations and inspected by an Eyewear Specialist.

If you need to return an item(s) please contact us with your name, order number (if available), and details about the product. We will respond quickly with instructions on how to return the item(s).